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Siam Fighting Fish is your one-stop for all things betta!

We’re passionate about these dazzling, low-maintenance fish and dedicated to helping you create a thriving underwater paradise for your new finned friend.

Whether you’re a seasoned hobbyist or a curious beginner, we offer a wealth of information on betta care, from tank setup and water quality to feeding tips and breeding advice.

We also explore the fascinating history and vibrant colors of these captivating creatures.

At Siam Fighting Fish, we believe that happy bettas make happy homes.

Let us guide you on your betta journey – explore our site, find the perfect fish for you, and discover the joy of keeping bettas!

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**Meet Our Team**

**Jennifer Kohl**

Jennifer Kohl

*Founder & Writer at Siam Fighting Fish*


Jennifer Kohl is an aquarist and writer with a passion for Siamese fighting fish, also known as betta fish.

With years of experience in breeding and caring for these vibrant creatures, she founded Siam Fighting Fish, a website dedicated to sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm with fellow betta enthusiasts around the world.

**Professional Background:**

Jennifer’s journey began with a fascination for the rich history and diverse beauty of betta fish.

Her expertise in the species’ care, breeding, and habitat requirements led her to create a platform where she could educate others on responsible betta fish ownership and conservation efforts.


Jennifer envisions a community where betta fish are appreciated not just for their aesthetic appeal but also for their unique personalities and needs.

She advocates for ethical breeding practices and works tirelessly to raise awareness about the environmental challenges facing betta fish in their natural habitats.

**Nancy Wellington**

Nancy Wellington

*Writer at Siam Fighting Fish*


Nancy Wellington is a dedicated writer and betta fish enthusiast.

Her extensive knowledge and experience with Siamese fighting fish have made her a valuable contributor to Siam Fighting Fish, a website devoted to the care, breeding, and appreciation of these beautiful aquatic creatures.

**Professional Background:**

Nancy’s passion for betta fish began at a young age, leading her to pursue a career that combines her writing talent with her love for aquatics.

At Siam Fighting Fish, she specializes in creating engaging content that educates readers on the intricacies of betta fish care and the importance of maintaining their natural habitats.


Nancy shares the vision of creating a world where betta fish are recognized for their individuality and the joy they bring to owners.

She is a strong proponent of sustainable fishkeeping practices and aims to inspire a new generation of betta fish enthusiasts through her informative and inspiring articles.